sorting input file(each line in first value) (each line in second value) csv in groovy

 // Initialize an ArrayList to store the lines

def lines = []

def file = '''

Header Line






// Split the input by line and skip the first line (header)

def linesToProcess = file.readLines().drop(1)

// Add the lines to the ArrayList

linesToProcess.each { line ->

    // Check if the line contains a comma before adding

    if (line.contains(',')) {




// Sort the ArrayList based on the second value (index 1) of each line

lines.sort { line1, line2 ->

    def value1 = line1.split(',')[1] as Integer

    def value2 = line2.split(',')[1] as Integer

    value1 <=> value2


// Print the sorted ArrayList

lines.each { println it }

// sorting in decending 1 value before ,

lines.sort { line1, line2 ->

    def value1 = line1.split(',')[0] as String

    def value2 = line2.split(',')[0] as String

    value2 <=> value1


// Print the sorted ArrayList

lines.each { println it }

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