997 ack fa dot code
digraph IntegrationProcess {
// Define nodes
node [shape = rectangle];
// Define labels
S4HANA [label = "SAP-S/4HANA", shape = oval];
TPM[label = "CPI-TPM", shape = rectangle];
PreIFlow [label = "CPI-Pre IFlow", shape = rectangle];
PostIFlow [label = "CPI-Post IFlow", shape = rectangle];
FAIFlow [label = "CPI-FA IFlow Write/Select", shape = rectangle];
TradingPartner [label = "EDI-Trading Partner", shape = rectangle];
// Define connections
S4HANA -> TPM [label = "1.Sends IDOC DESADV"];
TPM -> PostIFlow [label = "2.Forward EDI msg"];
PostIFlow -> FAIFlow [label = "4.Save IDOC with correlation id"];
PostIFlow -> TradingPartner [label = "3.Msg to EDI parnter"];
TradingPartner -> PreIFlow [label = "5.Sends Functional Acknowledgment"];
PreIFlow -> TPM [label = "6.B2B Monitoring FA"];
PreIFlow -> FAIFlow [label = "7.Validate EDI FA with correlationid"];
FAIFlow -> S4HANA [label = "8.Sends IDOC STATUS message to SAP S/4HANA"];