char gpt flow chat diagram and online tool
digraph Integration_Process_2 {
node [shape=rectangle];
Start [label="Start", shape=ellipse];
Receive [label="Receive EDI Message"];
Convert [label="Convert to XML Format"];
Extract [label="Extract Variables from
Functional EDI Acknowledgment"];
Decision [label="Correlation Match?", shape=diamond];
Fetch [label="Fetch IDoc Number from Data Store"];
Prepare [label="Prepare IDoc Status01 Structure"];
Incorporate [label="Incorporate Content
from Acknowledgment Segments"];
Send [label="Send IDoc Status to S4HANA"];
End [label="End Process", shape=ellipse];
Start -> Receive;
Receive -> Convert;
Convert -> Extract;
Extract -> Decision;
Decision -> Fetch [label="Yes"];
Decision -> End [label="No"];
Fetch -> Prepare;
Prepare -> Incorporate;
Incorporate -> Send;
Send -> End;