testing java script online example , including payload slitly modify ,
java script as below.
payload as constant. as shown below.
note: // context.setVariable("validRequest2", false);
or /vice versa.
console.log("validRequest2:", isValid);
catch (e) { // Handle JSON parsing errors or other unexpected errors console.log("Error:", e.message);
help extract error.
try {
// Retrieve the incoming request content as a string
var requestContent = `
"despatchStock": {
"companyCode": "",
"sourceType": "PLANT",
"source": {
"location": "RSE",
"name1": " ",
"name2": " ",
"houseNumber": " ",
"street1": " ",
"street2": " ",
"postalCode": " ",
"poBox": " ",
"city": " ",
"state": " ",
"country": " ",
"phone": " ",
"globalLocationNumber": " "
"destinationType": "CUSTOMER",
"destination": {
"location": " ",
"name1": " ",
"name2": " ",
"houseNumber": " ",
"street1": " ",
"street2": " ",
"postalCode": " ",
"poBox": " ",
"city": " ",
"state": " ",
"country": " ",
"phone": " ",
"globalLocationNumber": " "
"billOfLading": " ",
"despatchDeliveryId": "PSO2400029",
"postingDate": "2024-01-09T10:20:12UTC+00:00",
"referenceDocumentNumber": " ",
"documentText": " ",
"externalUniqueReference": " ",
"actualGrossWeight": "1234.5",
"actualWeightUom": " KGM",
"actualGrossVolume": "1234 ",
"actualVolumeUom": "MTQ",
"containerSealNumber1": " ",
"containerSealNumber2": " ",
"standardCarrierAlphaCode": " ",
"carrierId": " ",
"containerID": " ",
"items": {
"item": [
"ssccNumber": "388096074513191698 ",
"packagingMaterial": " ",
"externalHU2": " ",
"itemPosition": "10000",
"materialReference": "2990010011 ",
"eanOrUpcReference": "3182550793735",
"batch": "347C1RGY05",
"vendorBatch": " ",
"quantityInSuom": "1",
"uomCode": "EA",
"quantityInBuom": "1",
"baseUom": "EA",
"conversionFactorToBuom": " ",
"storageLocation": " ",
"plant": " RSE",
"stockType": " ",
"lotNumber": " ",
"wmsQualityStatus": "AVAILABLE",
"qualityStatus": "Released",
"positiveRelease": "Released",
"positiveReleaseDate": "2023-11-26T10:20:12UTC+00",
"productionDate": "2023-11-22T10:20:12UTC+00",
"bestBeforeDate": "2025-05-22T10:20:12UTC+00",
"materialType": "FG",
"itemDescription": " ",
"localPalletId": " ",
"localReferenceNumber": " ",
"transactionReason": " ",
"remainingQuantity": " ",
"transactionReference": " ",
"customerPurchaseOrderNumber": "ABCD",
"shipToPurchaseOrderNumber": " ",
"parentSsccs": {
"parentSscc": [
"parentHUNumber": " ",
"parentHuPickedQuantity": " ",
"localPalletId": " "
"ssccNumber": "388096074513340263",
"packagingMaterial": " ",
"externalHU2": " ",
"itemPosition": "20000",
"materialReference": "2522020012 ",
"eanOrUpcReference": "3182550793736",
"batch": "350B1RGY02",
"vendorBatch": " ",
"quantityInAuom": " ",
"uomCode": " ",
"quantityInBuom": "2",
"baseUom": "EA",
"conversionFactorToBuom": " ",
"storageLocation": " ",
"plant": " RSE",
"stockType": " ",
"lotNumber": " ",
"wmsQualityStatus": " AVAILABLE",
"qualityStatus": "Released",
"positiveRelease": "",
"positiveReleaseDate": "2023-12-16T10:20:12UTC+00",
"productionDate": "2023-12-12T10:20:12UTC+00",
"bestBeforeDate": "2025-06-11T10:20:12UTC+00",
"materialType": " ",
"itemDescription": " ",
"localPalletId": " ",
"localReferenceNumber": " ",
"customerPurchaseOrderNumber": "ABCD",
"shipToPurchaseOrderNumber": " ",
"transactionReason": " ",
"remainingQuantity": " ",
"transactionReference": " ",
"parentSsccs": {
"parentSscc": [
"parentHUNumber": " ",
"parentHuPickedQuantity": " ",
"localPalletId": " "
"ssccNumber": "388096074513191698",
"packagingMaterial": " ",
"externalHU2": " ",
"itemPosition": "20000",
"materialReference": "2522020012 ",
"eanOrUpcReference": "3182550793736",
"batch": "348C1RGY05",
"vendorBatch": " ",
"quantityInAuom": " ",
"uomCode": " ",
"quantityInBuom": "1",
"baseUom": "EA",
"conversionFactorToBuom": " ",
"storageLocation": " ",
"plant": " RSE ",
"stockType": " ",
"lotNumber": " ",
"wmsQualityStatus": " AVAILABLE",
"qualityStatus": "Released",
"positiveRelease": "Released",
"positiveReleaseDate": "2023-11-27T10:20:12UTC+00",
"productionDate": "2023-11-23T10:20:12UTC+00",
"bestBeforeDate": "2025-05-23T10:20:12UTC+00",
"materialType": "FG",
"itemDescription": " ",
"localPalletId": " ",
"localReferenceNumber": " ",
"transactionReason": " ",
"remainingQuantity": " ",
"transactionReference": " ",
"customerPurchaseOrderNumber": "ABCD",
"shipToPurchaseOrderNumber": " ",
"parentSsccs": {
"parentSscc": [
"parentHUNumber": " ",
"parentHuPickedQuantity": " ",
"localPalletId": " "
// Retrieve the incoming request content as a string
//var requestContent = context.getVariable("request.content"); //dsiabled reqeust.content
// Parse the JSON payload into a JavaScript object
var request = JSON.parse(requestContent);
// Define allowed fields for the main object
var allowedFields = [
// Function to validate fields of an object
function validateObject(obj, allowedFields) {
for (var field in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(field) && allowedFields.indexOf(field) === -1) {
return false; // Unknown field found
return true; // All fields are valid
// Initialize validation status
var isValid = validateObject(request, allowedFields);
// Validate nested 'despatchStock' object if present
if (isValid && request.despatchStock) {
isValid = validateObject(request.despatchStock, [
"companyCode", "idKey", "sourceType", "source", "destinationType", "destination",
"billOfLading", "despatchDeliveryId", "postingDate", "referenceDocumentNumber", "documentText",
"externalUniqueReference", "actualGrossWeight", "actualWeightUom", "actualGrossVolume",
"actualVolumeUom", "containerSealNumber1", "containerSealNumber2", "standardCarrierAlphaCode",
"carrierId", "containerID", "items"
// Validate nested 'source' object if present
if (isValid && request.despatchStock.source) {
isValid = validateObject(request.despatchStock.source, [
"location", "name1", "name2", "houseNumber", "street1", "street2", "postalCode", "poBox",
"city", "state", "country", "phone", "globalLocationNumber"
// Validate nested 'destination' object if present
if (isValid && request.despatchStock.destination) {
isValid = validateObject(request.despatchStock.destination, [
"location", "name1", "name2", "houseNumber", "street1", "street2", "postalCode", "poBox",
"city", "state", "country", "phone", "globalLocationNumber"
// Validate nested 'items' object if present
if (isValid && request.despatchStock.items) {
isValid = validateObject(request.despatchStock.items, [
// Validate 'item' array if present within items
if (isValid && request.despatchStock.items.item) {
for (var i = 0; i < request.despatchStock.items.item.length; i++) {
var item = request.despatchStock.items.item[i];
isValid = validateObject(item, [
"ssccNumber", "packagingMaterial", "externalHU2", "itemPosition", "materialReference",
"eanOrUpcReference", "batch", "vendorBatch", "quantityInSuom", "uomCode", "quantityInBuom",
"baseUom", "conversionFactorToBuom", "storageLocation", "plant", "stockType", "lotNumber",
"wmsQualityStatus", "qualityStatus", "positiveRelease", "positiveReleaseDate",
"productionDate", "bestBeforeDate", "materialType", "itemDescription", "localPalletId",
"localReferenceNumber", "transactionReason", "remainingQuantity", "transactionReference",
"customerPurchaseOrderNumber", "shipToPurchaseOrderNumber", "parentSsccs"
if (!isValid) break;
// Validate 'parentSsccs' object if present within item
if (item.parentSsccs) {
isValid = validateObject(item.parentSsccs, [
// Validate 'parentSscc' array if present within parentSsccs
if (isValid && item.parentSsccs.parentSscc) {
for (var j = 0; j < item.parentSsccs.parentSscc.length; j++) {
var parentSsc = item.parentSsccs.parentSscc[j];
isValid = validateObject(parentSsc, [
"parentHUNumber", "parentHuPickedQuantity", "localPalletId"
if (!isValid) break;
// Set the validation result in a context variable //commont
//context.setVariable("validRequest2", isValid); //disabled
// Set the validation result in a context variable
console.log("validRequest2:", isValid);
} catch (e) {
// Handle JSON parsing errors or other unexpected errors
// context.setVariable("validRequest2", false);
console.log("Error:", e);
// Handle JSON parsing errors or other unexpected errors
console.log("validRequest2:", false);
console.log("Validating despatchStock:", isValid);
console.log("Validating source:", request.despatchStock.source);
console.log("Validating destination:", request.despatchStock.destination);
console.log("Validating items:", request.despatchStock.items);