1. after correction of cloud text, cloud text corrected. as renamed.
2. again validation with google cloud.
a) what ever i corrected, those appear again in report. okay.
b)ignored spaces . // code not generating those in report.
this is 2nd validation.
example: need to upload pdf file, corrected file and authentication file.
Line 385 mismatch:
OCR: 'www.thraithashakam.org'
Expected: 'శాస్త్రము అనీ అనడము జరుగుచున్నది. ఇక్కడ మీ ప్రశ్న ఆధ్యాత్మిక
Line 439 mismatch:
OCR: 'www.thraithashakam.org'
Expected: 'పనినీ చేయనివాడుగా యున్నాడు అనుటయే సత్యము. అయినా
Line 489 mismatch:
OCR: 'www.thraithashakam.org'
Expected: 'ఆముగ్గురిలో ఇంకా ఇద్దరి గురించి చూస్తే ఒకరు జీవాత్మకాగా, ఇంకొకరు
Line 756 mismatch:
OCR: 'www.thraithashakam.org'
Expected: 'శరీరములో ఆత్మకూడా యున్నదను విషయము తెలియదు. తెలియక
Line 865 mismatch:
OCR: 'www.thraithashakam.org'
Expected: 'జవాబు :బయట ప్రపంచములోని విద్యాలయములలో విద్యార్థులను
Line 957 mismatch:
OCR: 'www.thraithashakam.org'
Expected: 'మతమును బోధించుచున్నాడని ఆరోపణలు చేశారు. అయినా అలా
Line 984 mismatch:
OCR: 'www.thraithashakam.org'
Expected: 'ఉపయోగించుకొనుచుంటిని. ఇంటి యజమానికి ప్రతి నెల కిరాయి
Line 993 mismatch:
OCR: 'www.thraithashakam.org'
Expected: 'ఆలోచన రావలసింది. ఎవరయినా అలాగే అనుకొంటారు. అయినా
Line 1344 mismatch:
OCR: 'www.thraithashakam.org'
Expected: 'పోయినది. ఒక పనికి కావలసిన సంకల్పమునుండి పని అంతయూ
Line 1348 mismatch:
OCR: 'www.thraithashakam.org'
Expected: 'అణిగియుండి బయటికి తెలియకుండా అన్ని పనులకు కారణము
Line 1372 mismatch:
OCR: 'www.thraithashakam.org'
Expected: 'వాడు. దైవ గ్రంథములు కూడా చదివెడివాడు. అయితే ప్రపంచ
Line 1377 mismatch:
OCR: 'www.thraithashakam.org'
Expected: 'అర్థమయినదే సరియైన అర్థమని అనుకొనెడివాడు. తనకంటే పెద్ద
Line 1855 mismatch:
OCR: 'www.thraithashakam.org'
Expected: 'అసత్యమును వేయిమంది చెప్పినా, అది సత్యము కాదు,
Line 1856 mismatch:
OCR: 'www.thraithashakam.org'
Expected: 'సత్యమును వేయిమంది కాదనినా, అది అసత్యము కాదు.
Validation complete.
code version2 on 17thaug 2024:
import gc
import io
import os
import re
from google.cloud import vision
from google.cloud.vision_v1 import types
from pdf2image import convert_from_path
from google.oauth2 import service_account
!pip show google-cloud-vision pdf2image
!apt-cache policy poppler-utils
# Paths to the files
credentials_path = '/content/credentials_doc.json'
pdf_file_path = '/content/Vishwa-Vidyalayam.pdf'
input_text_file_path = '/content/CLOUD_విశ్వ విద్యాలయము_Corrected.txt'
# Verify the file existence
if os.path.exists(credentials_path):
print("Credentials file found.")
print("Credentials file not found. Please check the path.")
if os.path.exists(pdf_file_path):
print("PDF file found.")
print("PDF file not found. Please check the path.")
if os.path.exists(input_text_file_path):
print("Input text file found.")
print("Input text file not found. Please check the path.")
# Authenticate using service account
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(credentials_path)
client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient(credentials=credentials)
# Convert PDF to images
images = convert_from_path(pdf_file_path, dpi=300)
# Function to perform OCR on an image
def perform_ocr(image):
content = io.BytesIO()
image.save(content, format='PNG')
content = content.getvalue()
image = types.Image(content=content)
response = client.document_text_detection(image=image)
return response.full_text_annotation.text
# Preprocess the text by removing spaces, punctuation, and converting to lowercase
def preprocess_text(text):
text = re.sub(r'[^\w\s]', '', text) # Remove punctuation
text = re.sub(r'\s+', '', text) # Remove spaces
return text.lower() # Convert to lowercase
# Process each image and store the OCR text
ocr_text = []
for i, image in enumerate(images):
text = perform_ocr(image)
# Join all OCR text into a single string
ocr_full_text = "\n".join(ocr_text)
# Read input text file
with open(input_text_file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as input_file:
input_lines = input_file.readlines()
# Split OCR text into lines
ocr_lines = ocr_full_text.split('\n')
# Validate each line
for line_number, input_line in enumerate(input_lines, start=1):
input_line_processed = preprocess_text(input_line.strip())
found = False
for ocr_line in ocr_lines:
ocr_line_processed = preprocess_text(ocr_line.strip())
if input_line_processed == ocr_line_processed:
# print(f"Line {line_number} validated and found." )
# print(f"Line {line_number} validated and found. {input_line}" )
found = True
if not found:
print(f"Line {line_number} mismatch:")
print(f" OCR: '{ocr_line}'")
print(f" Expected: '{input_line}'")
print('Validation complete.')
version 1: ( not ignoring additiona spaces).
import gc
import io
import os
from google.cloud import vision
from google.cloud.vision_v1 import types
from pdf2image import convert_from_path
from google.oauth2 import service_account
!pip show google-cloud-vision pdf2image
!apt-cache policy poppler-utils
# Paths to the files
credentials_path = '/content/credentials_doc.json'
pdf_file_path = '/content/Vishwa-Vidyalayam.pdf'
input_text_file_path = '/content/CLOUD_విశ్వ విద్యాలయము_Corrected.txt'
# Verify the file existence
if os.path.exists(credentials_path):
print("Credentials file found.")
print("Credentials file not found. Please check the path.")
if os.path.exists(pdf_file_path):
print("PDF file found.")
print("PDF file not found. Please check the path.")
if os.path.exists(input_text_file_path):
print("Input text file found.")
print("Input text file not found. Please check the path.")
# Authenticate using service account
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(credentials_path)
client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient(credentials=credentials)
# Convert PDF to images
images = convert_from_path(pdf_file_path, dpi=300)
# Function to perform OCR on an image
def perform_ocr(image):
content = io.BytesIO()
image.save(content, format='PNG')
content = content.getvalue()
image = types.Image(content=content)
response = client.document_text_detection(image=image)
return response.full_text_annotation.text
# Process each image and store the OCR text
ocr_text = []
for i, image in enumerate(images):
text = perform_ocr(image)
# Join all OCR text into a single string
ocr_full_text = "\n".join(ocr_text)
# Read input text file
with open(input_text_file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as input_file:
input_lines = input_file.readlines()
# Split OCR text into lines
ocr_lines = ocr_full_text.split('\n')
# Validate each line
for line_number, input_line in enumerate(input_lines, start=1):
input_line = input_line.strip()
found = False
for ocr_line in ocr_lines:
if input_line == ocr_line.strip():
# print(f"Line {line_number} validated and found." )
# print(f"Line {line_number} validated and found. {input_line}" )
found = True
if not found:
print(f"Line {line_number} mismatch:")
print(f" OCR: '{ocr_line}'")
print(f" Expected: '{input_line}'")
print('Validation complete.')