dynamic configure receiver SFTP USING SENDER sftp, all header proper
Name |
Type (Property or Header) |
Related Component |
Description |
Name |
Type (Property or Header) |
Related Component |
Description |
Archived-At |
Header |
Mail adapter |
Specifies a link
to the archived form of an e-mail. |
CamelAggregatedCompletedBy |
Header |
Aggregator |
Is relevant for
use cases with message aggregation. The header attribute can only have
one of the following values:
Processing of the aggregate has been
stopped because the configured Completion Timeout has been reached.
Processing of the aggregate has
finished because the Completion Condition has been met. |
CamelCharsetName |
Property |
Encoder |
Specifies the
character encoding to be applied for message processing. Is relevant for content encoding
steps. |
CamelFileName |
Header |
SFTP Receiver
adapter |
Overrides the
existing file and directory name that is set directly in the endpoint. You can use this header to
dynamically change the name of the file and directory to be called. If you do not enter a file name in
the SFTP receiver adapter, the content of the CamelFileName header (if
set) is used as file name. If this header is not specified, the Exchange ID
is used as file name. |
CamelFileNameOnly |
Header |
SFTP Sender
adapter |
Defines that only
the file name (the name with no leading paths) is consumed. |
CamelFileParent |
Header |
SFTP Sender
adapter |
Technical header
required to support proper archiving in post-processing used by the SFTP
Sender adapter. |
CamelHttpMethod |
Header |
HTTPS Sender
adapter |
Refers to the HTTP
method name of the incoming request (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE,
and so on). The HTTPS sender adapter sets this
header. |
CamelHttpPath |
Header |
HTTPS Sender
adapter |
Refers to the
dynamic part of the URL path of the integration flow endpoint. As an example, assume that you
specify the endpoint address (in the sender adapter) as /myEndpoint/*. A sender system calls this
integration flow using the address /myEndpoint/abc/def. In this case, header CamelHttpPath gets the
value abc/def. |
CamelHttpQuery |
Header |
HTTPS Sender
adapter HTTP Receiver adapter |
Refers to the
query string that is contained in the request URL (for example, CamelHttpQuery=abcd=1234). The HTTPS sender adapter sets this
header. In the context of a receiver
adapter, this header can be used to dynamically change the URI to be called. |
CamelHttpResponseCode |
Header |
HTTPS Sender
adapter |
You can use this
header to manually set the HTTP response status code. |
CamelHttpUri |
Header |
HTTPS Sender
adapter |
Overrides the
existing URI set directly in the endpoint. You can use this header to
dynamically change the URI to be called. |
CamelHttpUrl |
Header |
HTTPS Sender
adapter |
Refers to the
complete URL called, without query parameters. For example, CamelHttpUrl=https://test.bsn.neo.ondemand.com/http/hello. The HTTPS sender adapter sets this
header. |
CamelRemoteFileInputStream |
Header |
SFTP Sender
adapter |
Technical header
required to support streaming used by the SFTP sender adapter. |
CamelServletContextPath |
Header |
HTTPS Sender
adapter |
Refers to the path
specified in the address field of the channel. For example, if the address in the
channel is /abcd/1234, then CamelServletContextPath is /abcd/1234. The HTTPS sender adapter sets this
header. |
CamelSplitComplete |
Property |
Splitter |
Indicates whether
an Exchange is the last split. |
CamelSplitIndex |
Property |
Splitter |
Provides a counter
for split items that increases for each Exchange that is split (starts from
0). |
CamelSplitSize |
Property |
Splitter |
Provides the total
number of split items (if you are using stream-based splitting, this header
is only provided for the last item, in other words, for the completed
Exchange). |
CamelXmlSignatureTransformMethods |
Header |
XML signer |
transformation methods in a comma-separated list. You can use this header to specify
transformation methods in a comma-separated list. This header will overwrite
the value of the option Transform Method for Payload. Sample Code Example of this
use case: The XML signature verifier of the receiving system expects an XML
signature as shown in the following code snippet. The signature is a detached
signature, because the signature element is a sibling of the signed element
B. However, the receiving system requires the enveloped-signature transform
method to be specified in the Transforms list. To ensure this, you have to
configure a detached signature in the XML Signer step, then add a Content
Modifier step before the XML Signer step, where you specify the header
"CamelXmlSignatureTransformMethods" with the constant value
“http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#enveloped-signature,http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315". <?xml version="1.0"
encoding="UTF-8" ?> <root> <B ID="IDforB"> ... </B> <ds:Signature xmlns:ds="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#" Id="_6bf13099-0568-4d76-8649-faf5dcb313c0"> <ds:SignedInfo>
<ds:Reference URI="#IDforB">
<ds:Transforms> <ds:Transform Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#enveloped-signature" /> <ds:Transform Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315" />
</ds:Reference> </ds:SignedInfo> <ds:SignatureValue>aUDFmiG71</ds:SignatureValue> </ds:Signature> <root> |
CamelXmlSignatureXAdESQualifyingPropertiesId |
Header |
XML Signer |
the Id attribute value of the QualifyingProperties element. |
CamelXmlSignatureXAdESSignedDataObjectPropertiesId |
Header |
XML Signer |
the Id attribute value of the SignedDataObjectProperties element. |
CamelXmlSignatureXAdESSignedSignaturePropertiesId |
Header |
XML Signer |
the Id attribute value of the SignedSignatureProperties element. |
CamelXmlSignatureXAdESDataObjectFormatEncoding |
Header |
XML Signer |
Specifies the
value of the Encoding element of the DataObjectFormat element. |
CamelXmlSignatureXAdESNamespace |
Header |
XML Signer |
the namespace parameter value. |
CamelXmlSignatureXAdESPrefix |
Header |
XML Signer |
the prefix parameter value. |
Cc |
Header |
Mail Receiver
adapter |
Additional e-mail
address that the message is sent to. |
Content-Encoding |
Header |
HTTP Receiver
adapter |
The encoding used
during message transport (for example, gzip for GZIP file compression). This information is used by the
receiver to retrieve the media type that is referenced by the content-type header. If this header is not specified, the
default value identity (no compression) is used. More information: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616 The list of available content types
is maintained by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). For more
information, see:http://www.iana.org/assignments/http-parameters/http-parameters.xhtml#content-coding |
Content-Type |
Header |
HTTP Receiver
adapter Mail Receiver adapter |
HTTP content type
that fits to the body of the request. The content type is composed of two
parts: a type and a subtype.For example, image/jpeg (where image is the type
and jpeg is the subtype). Examples:
More information on the available
types: https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc1341/4_Content-Type.html The list of available content types
is maintained by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). For more
information, see http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml Note If
transferring text/* content types, you can also specify the character encoding in the
HTTP header using the charset parameter. Here is an example of such a header: Content-Type: text/html;
charset=utf-8 The default character encoding that
will be applied for text/* content types depends on the
HTTP version: us-ascii for HTTP 1.0 and iso-8859-1 for HTTP
1.1. Text data in string format is
converted using UTF-8 by default during message processing. If you want to
override this behavior, you can use the Content Modifier step and specify
the CamelCharsetName Exchange property. To avoid encoding issues when using this
feature together with the HTTP adapter, consider the following example
configuration: If you use a Content Modifier step
and you want to send iso-8859-1-encoded data to a receiver, make
sure that you specify the CamelCharsetName Exchange
property (either header or property) as iso-8859-1. For the
Content-Type HTTP header, use text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1. |
Date |
Header |
Mail adapter |
The date and time
when the e-mail was sent. |
From |
Header |
Mail adapter |
Email address that
the message comes from. |
JMSCorrellationID |
Header |
AMQP adapter |
Specifies the
application correlation identifier. This header corresponds to the AMQP
header correlation-id. |
JMSDeliveryMode |
Header |
AMQP adapter |
durability requirements. This header corresponds to the AMQP header durable. |
JMSDeliveryTime |
Header |
AMQP adapter |
Specifies the time
at which a message is to be delivered at the earliest. This header
corresponds to the AMQP header x-opt-delivery-time. |
JMSDestination |
Header |
AMQP adapter |
Specifies the
address of node that acts as message destination. This header corresponds to
the AMQP header to. |
JMSExpiration |
Header |
JMS Consumer |
Sets an expiration
date for messages that are only relevant for a certain amount of time in
milliseconds. This header corresponds to the AMQP header
absolute-expiry-time. |
JMSTimestamp |
Header |
JMS Consumer |
Time when a JMS
message was created. |
JMSMessageID |
Header |
AMQP adapter |
identifies a message. |
JMSPriority |
Header |
AMQP adapter |
Specifies the
relative message priority. This header corresponds to the AMQP header
priority. |
JMSRedelivered |
Header |
AMQP adapter |
Specifies, if the
message was redelivered. Value ‘false’ means that this message was delivered
for the first time, value ‘true’ tells you that this message was already
tried to be delivered before. |
JMSReplyTo |
Header |
AMQP adapter |
Specifies the node
that the message consumer replies to. This header corresponds to the AMQP
header reply-to. |
JMSType |
Header |
AMQP adapter |
Identifies the
message structure and type of payload. This header corresponds to the AMQP
header subject. |
JMSXDeliveryCount |
Header |
AMQP adapter |
Specifies the
number of processings for this message. Value 1 means that it is the first
attempt to process this message, value 2 means that it is the second attempt,
meaning it is the first retry. |
Header |
AMQP adapter |
Defines which
message group the message belongs to. This header corresponds to the AMQP
header group-id. |
JMSXGroupSeq |
Header |
AMQP adapter |
Defines which
message group the message belongs to and contains the sequence of the message
within the group starting with 1. |
Header |
AMQP adapter |
Specifies the ID
of the user creating the message. This header corresponds to the AMQP header
user-id. |
Message-ID |
Header |
Mail adapter |
ID that the mail
system assigned to the e-mail when it was first created. |
Reply-to |
Header |
Mail adapter |
Message ID of the
message that this e-mail is a reply to. |
SAP_ApplicationID |
Header |
When you monitor
the messages at runtime, you can search for all messages whose defined SAP_ApplicationID has a
specific value (displayed as the Application Message ID attribute
in the Message Monitoring editor). Note Only the first 120 characters are
displayed. As Type, select the
XPath expression that points to the message element that is to be used as the
application ID. |
SapAuthenticatedUserName |
Header |
SOAP Sender
adapter XI Sender adapter |
User name of the
client that calls the integration flow. If the sender channel is configured
to use client certificate authentication, no such header is set (as it is not
available in this case). |
SAP_AS2_Inbound_Decrypt_Message |
Header |
AS2 Sender adapter |
Use it to ensure
that the message is decrypted in AS2 sender. |
SAP_AS2_Inbound_Mdn_Verify_Mic |
Header |
AS2 MDN Sender
adapter |
Use it to ensure
that the Message Integrity Check (MIC) is verified in AS2 MDN sender. |
SAP_AS2_Inbound_Mdn_Verify_Signature |
Header |
AS2 MDN Sender
adapter |
Use it to ensure
that the signature is verified in AS2 MDN sender. |
SAP_AS2_Inbound_Verify_Signature |
Header |
AS2 Sender adapter |
Use it to ensure
that the signature is verified in AS2 sender. |
Header |
AS2 Sender adapter |
Use it to
customize the original MDN found in the exchange header. |
SAP_AS2_Outbound_Async_Mdn_Url |
Header |
AS2 Receiver
adapter |
Use it to specify
partner's AS2 URL. |
SAP_AS2_Outbound_Compress_Message |
Header |
AS2 Receiver
adapter |
Use it to ensure
that the outgoing message is compressed. |
SAP_AS2_Outbound_Content_Type |
Header |
AS2 Receiver
adapter |
Use it to
dynamically set the value of the content type of an outgoing message. |
SAP_AS2_Outbound_Encrypt_Message |
Header |
AS2 Receiver
adapter |
Use it to ensures
that the outbound message is encrypted. |
SAP_AS2_Outbound_Encryption_Key_Length |
Header |
AS2 Receiver
adapter |
Use it specify the
public key length. |
SAP_AS2_Outbound_Encryption_Algorithm |
Header |
AS2 Receiver
adapter |
Use it to set the
relevant AS2 message encryption algorithm, such as:
SAP_AS2_Outbound_Encryption_Public_Key |
Header |
AS2 Receiver
adapter |
Use it to specify
the public key alias to encrypt the AS2 message. |
SAP_AS2_Outbound_Mdn_Request_Mic |
Header |
AS2 Receiver
adapter |
Use it to request
an integrity check on MDN. |
SAP_AS2_Outbound_Mdn_Request_Signing |
Header |
AS2 Receiver
adapter |
Use it to request
the partner to sign AS2 MDN. |
SAP_AS2_Outbound_Mdn_Signing_Algorithm |
Header |
AS2 Receiver
adapter |
Use it to set the
relevant AS2 MDN signing algorithm, such as:
SAP_AS2_Outbound_Mdn_Type |
Header |
AS2 Receiver
adapter |
Use it to request
the partner to send a Message Integrity Check (MIC) for an AS2 MDN. |
SAP_AS2_Outbound_Mdn_Verify_Mic |
Header |
AS2 Receiver
adapter |
Use it to verify
the MIC of AS2 MDN for synchronous MDN type. |
SAP_AS2_Outbound_Mdn_Verify_Signature |
Header |
AS2 Receiver
adapter |
Use it to verify
the signature of AS2 MDN for synchronous MDN type. |
SAP_AS2_Outbound_Sign_Message |
Header |
AS2 Receiver
adapter |
Use it to ensure
that the outgoing AS2 message is signed. |
SAP_AS2_Outbound_Signing_Algorithm |
Header |
AS2 Receiver
adapter |
Use it to set the
relevant AS2 message signing algorithm, such as:
SAP_AS2_Outbound_Signing_Private_Key_Alias |
Header |
AS2 Receiver
adapter |
Use it to specify
the private key alias to sign the AS2 message. |
SAP_BatchLineSeparator |
Property |
between win/linux systems. |
SAP_CorrelateMPLs |
Property |
Specifies whether
message processing logs (MPLs) are to be correlated with each other using a
correlation ID. By default, MPL correlation is
switched on. To specify this property, select Constant as Type and
enter True or False as Value. |
SAP_DataStoreCreatedAt |
Header |
Data Store |
The Data Store Get
operation adds the timestamp information Created At of the
data story entry (in milliseconds since 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC). |
SAP_DataStoreRetries |
Header |
XI Sender adapter XI Receiver adapter |
Number of retries
of a message. The XI adapter sets this header
(when as Quality of Service you have selectedExactly Once and
as Temporary Storage you have chosen the option Data
Store). You can use this header to specify
that the behavior of the integration flow changes depending on the number of
retries that are actually performed. For example, you can use this header to
define that after a certain number of retries the message is routed to a
specific receiver (for example, to send an alert message to a recipient). You can use this header in case you
configure the XI adapter with Data Store as temporary storage. You can use this header to capture
the number of retries performed by the data store consumer. Allows you to do
certain actions based on the number of retries already performed. |
SAP_DataStoreExpiresAt |
Header |
Data Store |
The Data Store Get
operation adds the timestamp information Retain Until of the
data story entry (in milliseconds since 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC). |
SAP_EDI_Document_Number |
Header |
EDI Splitter |
Includes the
document number for the single incoming EDI file. |
Header |
EDI Splitter |
Use it to
determine the appropriate EDIFACT CONTRL message version to be transmitted to
the trading partner. |
Header |
EDI Splitter |
Use it to process
the functional acknowledgement. |
Header |
EDI Splitter |
Use it to include
special characters in the UNA segment of a CONTRL message. |
Header |
EDI Splitter |
Allows the
splitter to read the interchange number either from the EDI message or from
an assigned set of number ranges. |
Header |
EDI Splitter |
Use it to define
the number range assigned to an interchange number in the functional
acknowledgement. |
Header |
EDI Splitter |
Use it to validate
an EDI interchange against the XSD schema for conversion. The values for the
headers can be one of the following:
Header |
EDI Splitter |
Use it to set the
appropriate encoding format of the inbound EDIFACT interchange, such as:
Header |
EDI Splitter |
This feature is
available only in Envelope and Message validation mode. The following two
options are available:
Header |
EDI Splitter |
Initiates the
validation of the split EDI messages. |
Header |
EDI Splitter |
Triggers a
validation of either Envelope or Envelope and Message for the EDI content. |
Header |
EDI Splitter |
Sets the relevant
value for processing functional acknowledgement. |
Header |
EDI Splitter |
Notifies the
splitter to exclude the AK3 and AK4 segments from the functional
acknowledgement message. |
Header |
EDI Splitter |
Allows the
splitter to read the interchange number either from the EDI message or from
an assigned set of number ranges. |
Header |
EDI Splitter |
Defines the number
range assigned to an interchange number in the functional acknowledgement. |
Header |
EDI Splitter |
Validates an EDI
interchange against the XSD schema for conversion. |
Header |
EDI Splitter |
Includes the
appropriate encoding format of the inbound X12 interchange. |
Header |
EDI Splitter |
Validates the
transaction. |
Header |
EDI Splitter |
validation on incoming ASC X12 message against the XSD scheme. |
SAP_ERiCResponse |
Header |
ELSTER Receiver
adapter |
receiver adapter sets this header. It contains a technical status created by
the ERiC (ELSTER Rich Client) library. |
SAP_ErrorModelStepID |
Property |
You can use this
property to set a Model Step ID for an integration flow step. This identifier
is required to relate to an integration flow step in error handling. |
SAP_FtpAfterProc |
Property |
SFTP Receiver
adapter |
You can use this
property to dynamically specify the Handling for Existing Files parameter. |
SAP_FtpAuthMethod |
Property |
SFTP Receiver
adapter |
You can use this
property to dynamically specify the Authentication parameter. |
SAP_FtpBufferSize |
Property |
SFTP adapter FTP adapter |
Dynamic setting of
adapter's configuration |
SAP_FtpCreateDir |
Property |
SFTP Receiver
adapter FTP Receiver adapter |
You can use this
property to dynamically specify the Create Directories parameter. |
SAP_FtpDisconnect |
Property |
SFTP Receiver
adapter FTP Receiver adapter |
You can use this
property to dynamically specify the Automatically Disconnect parameter. |
SAP_FtpDoneFileName |
Property |
SFTP Receiver
adapter FTP Receiver adapter |
Dynamic setting of
adapter's configuration. |
SAP_FtpEncryption |
Property |
FTP Receiver
adapter |
You can use this
property to dynamically specify the Encryption parameter. |
SAP_FtpFastExistsCheck |
Property |
SFTP Receiver
adapter |
You can use this
property to dynamically specify the Use Fast Exists Check parameter. |
SAP_FtpFlattenFileName |
Property |
SFTP Receiver
adapter FTP Receiver adapter |
You can use this
property to dynamically specify the Flatten File Name parameter. |
SAP_FtpMaxReconnect |
Property |
SFTP Receiver
adapter FTP Receiver adapter |
You can use this
property to dynamically specify the Maximum Reconnect Attempts parameter. |
SAP_FtpMaxReconDelay |
Property |
SFTP Receiver
adapter FTP Receiver adapter |
You can use this
property to dynamically specify the Reconnect Delay parameter. |
SAP_FtpMove |
Property |
SFTP adapter FTP adapter |
Dynamic setting of
adapter's configuration. |
SAP_FtpPdUri |
Property |
SFTP Receiver
adapter |
You can use this
property to dynamically retrieve a known_hosts file from the Partner
Directory. |
SAP_FtpProxyType |
Property |
SFTP Receiver
adapter FTP Receiver adapter |
You can use this
property to dynamically specify the Proxy Type parameter. |
SAP_FtpStepwise |
Property |
SFTP Receiver
adapter FTP Receiver adapter |
You can use this
property to dynamically specify the Change Directories Stepwise parameter. |
SAP_FtpTimeout |
Property |
SFTP Receiver
adapter FTP Receiver adapter |
You can use this
property to dynamically specify the Timeout parameter. |
SapIDocType |
Header |
IDoc Sender
adapter IDoc Receiver adapter |
This header
contains the IDoc type from the sending system (for example, WPDTAX01). |
SapIDocTransferId |
Header |
IDoc Sender
adapter IDoc Receiver adapter |
This header
contains the incoming IDoc number from the sending system (for example, 0000000000166099). It corresponds to the field DOCNUM
in the IDoc Adapter. |
SapIDocDbId |
Header |
IDoc Sender
adapter IDoc Receiver adapter |
The IDoc receiver
adapter sends a request and gets an XML response. The adapter parses the XML response
and generates this header from it. The header contains the IDoc number from
the receiver system (for example, 0000000000160816). |
SAP_IntegrationFlowID |
Property |
JMS Sender adapter |
Contains the ID of
the integration flow that sent a message to the JMS queue from which the JMS
sender adapter reads it. The property value is set by the JMS receiver
adapter that sent the message to the JMS queue. The JMS consumer can use this
property to define further steps that depend on the integration flow ID. |
SapQualityOfService |
Header |
XI Sender adapter |
Indicates the
quality of service from the sender system (possible values: BestEffort, ExactlyOnce). |
SapPlainSoapQueueId |
Header |
IDoc Sender
adapter |
Only relevant if
the receiver channel is SAPRM. The header contains the QueueID from the
receiver system. |
(String) |
Property |
Mail Sender
adapter |
The alias used for
decryption of an encrypted mail. |
(boolean) |
Property |
Mail Sender
adapter |
The received mail
was successfully decrypted (not set, true, false). |
(boolean) |
Property |
Mail Sender
adapter |
The received mail
was encrypted. |
(String) |
Property |
Mail Sender
adapter |
There is an error
message if the mail could not be decrypted. |
Property |
Mail Sender
adapter |
Provides a
ByteArrayOutputStream that contains the original e-mail. |
(boolean) |
Property |
Mail Sender
adapter |
Is true if all
signatures could be validated. |
(Array of java.security.cert.X509Certificate) |
Property |
Mail Sender
adapter |
The signer
certificate. |
(Array of boolean) |
Property |
Mail Sender
adapter |
The result of the
verification. |
(Array of String) |
Property |
Mail Sender
adapter |
The error message
for a failed verification. |
SAP_MessageType |
Header |
Makes an
application-specific Message Type available for monitoring. When set in the
integration flow, this header will be stored in the message processing log.
Only the first 100 characters are displayed. |
SAP_MessageProcessingLogID |
Header |
Contains the ID of
the message processing log. You can use this property to read
the ID of the message processing log (no write access supported). |
SAP_MessageProcessingLogID |
Property |
Points to the
message processing log for the respective Exchange. You can use this property to read
the ID of the message processing log (no write access supported). |
SAP_MessageProcessingLogCustomStatus |
Property |
You can use this
property to set an at most 40 characters alphanumeric custom status for the
current message processing log. The value is transferred as CustomStatus attribute to
the root part of the message processing log and then stored in the message
processing log header table. |
SAP_MessageProcessingLogLevel |
Header |
If this message
header is present for an incoming message, the processing of this message
exchange is written with the specified log level. Allowed values are INFO,
NONE, DEBUG, ERROR (case-insensitive). The header does not get filled by the
runtime, so it cannot be used to retrieve the currently set log level. |
Header |
Stores the encoded
SAP-Passport value from which an instance of DSRPassport can be created. This
header and the passport format is specified for all SAP solutions. |
SAP_PollEnrichMessageFound |
Property |
PollEnrich |
The property
contains the information if an adapter used in poll enrich has polled any
message (boolean). |
SAP_PregeneratedMplId |
Header |
If an exchange is
created whose IN-message is carrying this header, the specified ID is used as
message processing log ID. In this case, the message processing logs of all
retry attempts are grouped together under one header. The header, if used,
has to be a Base64-encoded UUID. |
SAP_ReceiverOverwrite |
Property |
Defines the
handling of the message header SAP_Receiver . If set
to true, the header SAP_Receiver will be overwritten with the
new value in case a value is assigned to the SAP_Receiver header. If
set to false, the new value is added to the already existent header content. The
content is stored as a comma-separated list, Default value: java.lang.Boolean.FALSE This behavior is helpful in
scenarios like,the multicast pattern, for example, where a message is sent to
several receivers and all receivers are to be collected in the MPL (not just
the last added header). Note Example
configuration: Name: SAP_ReceiverOverwrite Type: Constant Value: True |
SAP_Receiver |
Header |
Makes available
the name of the receiver to monitoring. If you have specified SAP_Sender or SAP_Receiver, the
corresponding values are displayed in the message processing log. If you
change the SAP_Receiver value during message processing, all values are added to the
receiver field in the message processing log as a comma-separated list. If
you don't want this behavior, you can specify the exchange property SAP_ReceiverOverwrite (see below). |
SAP_Sender |
Header |
Makes available
the name of the sender to monitoring. If you have specified SAP_Sender or SAP_Receiver, the
corresponding values are displayed in the message processing log. If you
change the SAP_Receiver value during message processing, all values are added to the
receiver field in the message processing log as a comma-separated list. If
you don't want this behavior, you can specify the exchange property SAP_ReceiverOverwrite (see below). |
SAP_SuccessFactorsHasMoreRecords.<channelName> |
Property |
adapter Soap adapter |
Used looping
process call modelling. |
SAP_XadesSigningTimeZone |
Property |
XML Signer |
If this exchange
property is set, the XML Signer step transforms the value of the XAdES SigningTime element into
the time zone specified by the property value. The property shall contain a value
of the format GMT+HH:mm or GMT-HH:mm, where HH are the hours and mm are the minutes after or before
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The GMT zone is used if the given string property
value can't be interpreted. If the property contains a non-string value, an
exception is thrown. If the property is not set, the time zone GMT is used. For example, if you set the property
value to GMT+3:00, the time zone 3 hours ahead Greenwich Mean Time is used. |
SAP_XmlValidationResult |
Header |
XML Validator |
Adds the error
payload. |
SAP.DisableAttachments.HTTP |
Header |
HTTP Adapter |
Enables the
creation of attachments for request header, response headers, and response
body when the message processing fails. |
SAP.DisableAttachments.ODataV2 |
Header |
OData V2 Receiver
Adapter |
Enables the
creation of attachments for request header, response headers, and response
body when the message processing fails. |
SAP.DisableAttachments.ODataV4 |
Header |
OData V4 Receiver
Adapter |
Enables the
creation of attachments for request header, response headers, and response
body when the message processing fails. |
SapDataStoreId |
Header |
Data Store |
Entry ID used/set
by the Data Store component. |
SapDataStoreMaxResults |
Header |
Data Store |
Used dynamically
overwrite the configured number of polled messages in case of Data
Store SELECT operation. |
SapInterfaceName |
Header |
XI adapter |
XI protocol header |
SapInterfaceNamespace |
Header |
XI adapter |
XI protocol header |
SAPJMSAlerttime |
Header |
JMS Consumer |
Specifies the time
when an alert needs to be sent. |
SAPJMSRetries |
Header |
JMS Consumer |
Number of retries
of a JMS message. The JMS sender adapter sets this
header. You can use this header to specify
that the behavior of the integration flow changes depending on the number of
retries that are actually performed. For example, you can configure a
scenario where a mail is sent to an administrator with the message as an
attachment and the integration flow is terminated successfully after a
specified number of retries. You can use this header in case you
configure the XI adapter with JMS Queue as temporary storage. |
Header |
JMS Consumer |
SapMessageId |
Header |
Sender adapter XI adapter IDoc Receiver adapter |
SAPRM, IDoc, and
XI protocol header for the message identifier |
SapMessageIdEx |
Header |
Sender adapter XI adapter |
protocol header for the message identifier. |
SapPlainSoapQoS |
Header |
adapter |
Header for SoD
scenario. Is generated in SAP-RM adapter. |
SapReceiverParty |
Header |
XI adapter |
XI protocol header |
SapReceiverService |
Header |
XI adapter |
XI protocol header |
SapRefToMessageId |
Header |
XI adapter |
XI protocol header |
SapRefToMessageIdEx |
Header |
XI adapter |
XI protocol header |
SapSenderParty |
Header |
XI adapter |
XI protocol header |
SapSenderService |
Header |
XI adapter |
XI protocol header |
Sender |
Header |
Mail adapter |
Specifies the
actual sender (acting on behalf of the e-mail address stated in the From
header). |
SOAPAction |
Header |
SOAP adapter |
This header is
part of the Web service specification. |
Subject |
Header |
Mail adapter |
Specifies the
subject of the e-mail message. |
To |
Header |
Mail adapter |
Specifies the
e-mail address that the message is sent to. |
CamelLoopIndex |
Property |
Looping Process
Call |
Provides the index
of the currently processed loop (starting with 0). |