Generating box diagrams using chatgpt
digraph G {
node [shape=box, width=1, height=2];
SAP_S4 [label="SAP S4"];
SAP_BPT_CI [label="SAP BTP-IntegrationSuite\nTPM"];
EDI_Partner [label="EDI Partner"];
SAP_S4 -> SAP_BPT_CI [label="IDOC"];
SAP_BPT_CI -> EDI_Partner [label="EDI"];
EDI_Partner -> SAP_BPT_CI [label="EDI-FA"];
// Custom styling for the IDOC-STATUS label
SAP_BPT_CI -> SAP_S4 [label=<<font color="green">IDOC-STATUS ✔</font>>]; // Green check mark
// Additional styling to make the arrow green
edge [color=green];
digraph G {
node [shape=box, width=1, height=2];
SAP_S4 [label="SAP S4"];
SAP_BPT_CI [label="SAP BPT (CI)"];
EDI_Partner [label="EDI Partner"];
SAP_S4 -> SAP_BPT_CI [label="IDOC"];
SAP_BPT_CI -> EDI_Partner [label="EDI"];
EDI_Partner -> SAP_BPT_CI [label="EDI-FA"];
// Custom styling for the IDOC-STATUS label
SAP_BPT_CI -> SAP_S4 [label=<<font color="red">IDOC-STATUS ❌</font>>]; // Red cross mark
// Additional styling to make the arrow red
edge [color=red];
choose circo and svg option.
digraph G {
node [shape=box, width=1, height=2];
SAP_S4 [label="SAP S4"];
SAP_BPT_CI [label="SAP BPT (CI)"];
EDI_Partner [label="EDI Partner"];
SAP_S4 -> SAP_BPT_CI [label="IDOC"];
SAP_BPT_CI -> EDI_Partner [label="EDI"];
EDI_Partner -> SAP_BPT_CI [label="EDI-FA"];