paper 1 : flow diagram dot notatoin code
digraph IntegrationProcess {
// Define nodes
node [shape = rectangle, width=2.5, height=1.5, fontname=Arial]; // Adjusted box size and styling
// Define labels with different colors
S4HANA [label = "SAP-S/4HANA", shape = oval, style=filled, fillcolor=lightblue, fontcolor=black];
TPM [label = "CPI-TPM", shape = rectangle, style=filled, fillcolor=lightyellow, fontcolor=black];
FAIFlow [label = "CPI-CustomIflow_FA", shape = rectangle, style=filled, fillcolor=lightyellow, fontcolor=black];
TradingPartner [label = "EDI-Trading Partner", shape = rectangle, style=filled, fillcolor=lightpink, fontcolor=black];
// Define connections
S4HANA -> TPM [label = "1. Sends IDOC DESADV", fontname=Arial];
TPM -> FAIFlow [label = "2. Forward EDI msg", fontname=Arial];
FAIFlow -> FAIFlow [label = "4. Save IDOC Number\nwith correlation id", fontname=Arial];
FAIFlow -> TradingPartner [label = "3. Msg to EDI partner", fontname=Arial];
TradingPartner -> FAIFlow [label = "5. Sends Functional Acknowledgment", fontname=Arial];
FAIFlow -> TPM [label = "6. B2B Monitoring FA", fontname=Arial];
FAIFlow -> FAIFlow [label = "7. Validate\nEDI FA with\ncorrelationid", fontname=Arial];
FAIFlow -> S4HANA [label = "8. Sends IDOC STATUS\nmessage to SAP S/4HANA", fontname=Arial];