object of paper1

 desigin custom iflow to design send acknowledgements from this custom iflow to sap s4 hana system via idoc status message type, to enhace the SAP Integraiton suite TPM V2 package iflows;(since it is not provideing this feature),and do not disturbing the features of standarad TPM v2 B2B solution for EDI message procesin in integration suite,also design for TPM aggrements, mig objects, MAG objects in integration advisor.

1. creating TPM aggrement in integration suite and connection to sap s4 and edi partner. 2. creating MIG,MAG objects in integration advisor. 3. creating custom logic for to support functional acknowledgement so s4system both postivet and negetive. 4. Logic= Logic1+ logic2 ; logic1 : mutlicate message 2 branches from TPM iflow output to EDI Patner and prepare correlation id and value( idoc number from source message) into datastore. logic2: when edi partners sends functional acknowlegement to sap integration suite, mutlicate message into 2 branches; 1 branche for to send message to tpm standard iflow, second branch is to prepare correlation id and validate with datastore correlation id, if matches take idoc number and prepare idoc status message from incoming edi format. and finally send idoc to sap s4 sytem ( this achieves postive and negetive functinality in sap s4 via idocs" ;

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