refernce list for thesis
Certainly! Here are examples of how you can reference thesis content using the reference list numbers: In-text citation (APA style) : "The Master Integration Package serves as a comprehensive blueprint for B2B communication (Bagga, 2023)." In-text citation (MLA style) : "As described in the Master Integration Package, custom iFlows are essential for integration with external partners' systems (Bagga)." Footnote (Chicago style) : "The Master Integration Package provides insights into current challenges in EDI processing (Bagga, 2023, p. 14)." In-text citation (APA style) : "The role of B2B communication in SAP Integration is crucial for seamless interactions (Quattrocchi et al., n.d.)." In-text citation (MLA style) : "According to Quattrocchi et al., runtime defect pred...