8-4-3 rule.
quanti moment fund over by chatgpt.
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The extracted information from the uploaded image indicates the following details about the Quant Momentum Fund Direct Growth:
- Category: Equity (Thematic, Very High Risk)
- Annualized Returns: 38.08%
- NAV (Net Asset Value): ₹14.28 (as of December 27, 2024)
- Fund Size: ₹2,324.38 crore
- Minimum SIP Amount: ₹1,000
Analysis of the Fund
- Performance: The fund's annualized return of 38.08% is very strong, but it is categorized as "Very High Risk," indicating significant volatility.
- NAV and Fund Size: With a fund size of ₹2,324.38 crore, it is a decently sized fund, showing trust and credibility among investors.
- Minimum Investment: A low SIP of ₹1,000 makes it accessible for small-scale investors.
Investment Recommendation
Given the provided information:
- If you have a high-risk tolerance and are aiming for aggressive growth, this fund could be a good option. However, it is recommended to diversify your portfolio with funds across risk categories.
- For a long-term horizon (5-7 years or more), momentum-based funds like this could generate strong returns, but short-term volatility might be significant.
- Always monitor the fund's holdings, sectors, and consistency in performance.
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