from astral import LocationInfo
from astral.sun import sun
import datetime
def calculate_planetary_positions(birth_date_str, birth_time_str, place_of_birth):
Calculates planetary positions based on birth details.
birth_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(birth_date_str, "%Y-%m-%d").date()
birth_time_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(birth_time_str, "%I:%M %p")
birth_datetime = datetime.datetime.combine(birth_date, birth_time_obj.time())
# Geolocation (replace with actual latitude/longitude of Jammalamadugu)
latitude, longitude = 14.4667, 79.3333 #Approximate coordinates - NEEDS PRECISION
# Sunrise calculation
sr = sunrise.sun(latitude, longitude, birth_date)
sunrise_time = datetime.datetime(birth_date.year, birth_date.month, birth_date.day, sr['sunrise'].hour, sr['sunrise'].minute)
# Ephemeris calculations using PyEphem (needs precise location and time)
observer = ephem.Observer()
observer.lat = str(latitude)
observer.lon = str(longitude)
observer.date = birth_datetime
planets = {
'Sun': ephem.Sun(),
'Moon': ephem.Moon(),
'Mars': ephem.Mars(),
'Mercury': ephem.Mercury(),
'Jupiter': ephem.Jupiter(),
'Venus': ephem.Venus(),
'Saturn': ephem.Saturn(),
'Rahu': ephem.Rahu(), #Note: Rahu and Ketu are not standard PyEphem objects. You'll need custom handling.
'Ketu': ephem.Ketu(),
planetary_positions = {}
for planet_name, planet_obj in planets.items():
planetary_positions[planet_name] = {
'longitude': ephem.degrees(planet_obj.ra),
'latitude': ephem.degrees(planet_obj.dec),
# Lagna Calculation (complex - requires specialized astrological library or algorithm)
lagna = calculate_lagna(sunrise_time, birth_datetime) #Needs implementation with an appropriate astrological library.
# House positions (very complex - needs an astrological library or algorithm)
house_positions = assign_planets_to_houses(lagna, planetary_positions)
return house_positions
except ValueError as e:
return f"Error parsing input: {e}"
except Exception as e:
return f"An error occurred: {e}"
# Placeholder functions (YOU NEED TO IMPLEMENT THESE - or use a dedicated astrology library)
def calculate_lagna(sunrise_time, birth_time):
# This requires a complex astrological algorithm to determine the ascendant.
# Consider using a dedicated astrology library for this. A simplified
# approximation is NOT reliable.
# This is a placeholder, replace with proper calculation.
raise NotImplementedError("Lagna calculation needs implementation with an astrological library.")
def assign_planets_to_houses(lagna, planetary_positions):
# This requires detailed astrological rules to assign planets to houses based on the lagna.
# Consider using a dedicated astrology library for this.
# This is a placeholder, replace with proper calculation based on astrological principles.
raise NotImplementedError("House assignment needs implementation with an astrological library.")
#Example usage:
birth_date = "1972-12-21"
birth_time = "1:30 AM"
place_of_birth = "Jammalamadugu" # Needs latitude/longitude
positions = calculate_planetary_positions(birth_date, birth_time, place_of_birth)