correct code , when 12 plants given with sign , duplicte 7,and g,ku,sha poitins
this is part 2 code,
/* repeat ing, 7 house and 5,9 4,8 3,10 position s / part1 , and par2 , or part 3 is there.
/*part1: inputs as similar to portal, line byline; gives, all planters.*/
/part3: fomrat again houses as per Lagna , lagna as house1 and naming change plants */ execute.
H1: ['Gur+']
H2: ['Cha+', 'Sha-']
H3: []
H4: []
H5: ['Kuj+', 'Sur+', 'Gur+', 'Sha-', 'Bho']
H6: ['Shu-', 'Bhd-', 'Mitra-', 'Ket+', 'Rah-', 'Chitra-']
H7: ['Gur+']
H8: ['Sha-', 'Cha+', 'Kuj+']
H9: ['Lag', 'Gur+']
H10: ['Sha-']
H11: ['Bho', 'Kuj+', 'Sur+']
H12: ['Rah-', 'Chitra-', 'Kuj+', 'Shu-', 'Bhd-', 'Mitra-', 'Ket+']
=== Code Execution Successful ===
# Initial setup
houses = {
'H1': ['Gur+'],
'H2': ['Cha+'],
'H3': [],
'H4': [],
'H5': ['Kuj+', 'Sur+'],
'H6': ['Shu-', 'Bhd-', 'Mitra-', 'Ket+'],
'H7': [],
'H8': ['Sha-'],
'H9': ['Lag'],
'H10': [],
'H11': ['Bho'],
'H12': ['Rah-', 'Chitra-']
# List of house keys
house_keys = ['H1', 'H2', 'H3', 'H4', 'H5', 'H6', 'H7', 'H8', 'H9', 'H10', 'H11', 'H12']
# Function to remove the sign from planet names
def remove_sign(planet):
return planet.rstrip('+-')
# Special handling for specific planets and their additional positions
special_planet_mapping = {
'Gur': [4, 8, 6],
'Kuj': [3, 7, 6],
'Cha': [6],
'Sur': [6],
'Sha': [2, 9, 6],
'Rah': [6],
'Bho': [6],
'Chitra': [6],
'Shu': [6],
'Mitra': [6],
'Ket': [6],
'Bhd': [6]
# Create a copy of the original houses to update them
updated_houses = {key: planets.copy() for key, planets in houses.items()}
# Iterate through the houses and add planets accordingly
for house, planets in houses.items():
current_house_index = house_keys.index(house)
for planet in planets:
base_planet = remove_sign(planet) # Get the planet name without the sign
# Avoid duplicating Lag
if base_planet == "Lag":
# Add to the same house (original entry)
if planet not in updated_houses[house]: # Avoid duplicates
# Add special planets based on their mapping
if base_planet in special_planet_mapping:
for offset in special_planet_mapping[base_planet]:
next_house_index = (current_house_index + offset) % 12 # Calculate the new index
next_house = house_keys[next_house_index]
# Add the planet to the calculated house if it doesn't already exist
if planet not in updated_houses[next_house]:
# Display the updated houses
for house, planets in updated_houses.items():
print(f"{house}: {planets}")